Saturday, January 21, 2023

Purdue Fest 2023 - A Memorable & Inspiring Trip

The stage where DGS Jazz Ensemble performed at the prime-time spot! And took home a superior rating. Congrats to Lucas Ciocan, our junior tenor saxophonist for earning "best soloist of the room" for the entire day.

Waiting to watch DGS Lab Band! Congrats to tenor saxophonist Tom Yednock for getting outstanding soloist for their set.

DGS Workshop brought the house down in their performance! "Choo Choo Ch'Boogie" had the room clapping, hooting, and hollering. John Foley (trumpet) and Mateus Dos Santos (piano) were recognized as outstanding soloists for the set.

Mr. Smith (DGN director) photo-bombing in the best way!

"This phone booth has a light?!??" - Delaney Wells

Two dude band directors in a pink room. (Before the fire alarm went off.)

"The kids taught me how to take it like this." - Mr. Smith

On our way to see "Dizzy Spellz" with Sean Jones on trumpet and Brinae Ali tap dancing & singing the night away. The show featured phenomenal musicianship, poetry, and an absolutely cathartic commentary that explores the black experience in America. 

All in all, what an incredibly inspiring and memorable trip. Until next year, Purdue!!