Monday, March 09, 2020

Mustang Musicians at IHSA Solo and Ensemble

Student musicians from South High School in Downers Grove participated in the 2020 Solo and Ensemble Contest sponsored by IHSA and hosted this year at Rich East High School.

Students prepare solos and ensembles and play for an expert adjudicator, receiving both a score and a rating, and, formative feedback for improvement.  Additionally, students performing solos must play scales from memory, demonstrating technical fluency on their instruments outside of their prepared solo work.

In total, over 50 students participated in over 30 different events.   27 students performed as soloists, and 20 students formed 4 different ensembles during the course of the day.  Students from both the bands and the orchestras from South High School participated in this event.

"Regardless of rating or score, we are proud of every student for choosing to pursue musical growth through this process."  said Fine Arts Department Chairman Glenn Williams.  "The individual growth that occurs through studying and performing chamber music is substantial."

Two events, soloists Therese Malinowksi and Matthew Leinart, earned a Citation for being the "Best in Room."  After listening to events for an entire day, the judge considered both Leinart and Malinowski's solos the most outstanding musical event during the course of the day in that specific room.

Here are the students that earned a Division I rating, described on the judges sheet as "a superior performance - outstanding in nearly every detail."

Elizabeth Colip - oboe
Joseph Cox - violin
Luidas Davies - violin
Sierra Donaldson - viola
Matthew Fischer - trumpet
Martin Harmon - oboe
Gabrielle Hewawissa - flute
Mackenzie Johnson, Kate Stanley, Saahil Sorkayla - woodwind trio
Mackenzie Johnson - flute - PERFECT SCORE
Mackenzie Johnson, Sally Lichner, Katie McGuire, Madolyn Werner - flute quartet - PERFECT SCORE
Matthew Leinart - alto saxophone - BEST IN ROOM CITATION
Katie McGuire - flute - PERFECT SCORE
Philip Okunev - violin
Philip Okunev, Leka Davis, Timothy Neuman - string ensemble
Kelsey Ohlsen - trumpet
Derek Reynolds - trombone
Liana O'Rourke - violin
Olivia Roti - viola
Saahil Sorakayla - bassoon
Jonah Sprandel - alto saxophone - PERFECT SCORE
John Smetana, Leka Davis, Mason Taylor, Therese Malinowski - string ensemble
Katie Steffgen - clarinet
Ben Tunney - trumpet
Madolyn Werner - flute
Nathan Wiechec - trombone

Here are the students that earned a Division II rating, describe as "an excellent performance with minor defects."

Andre Beikircher - violin
Sierra Donaldson. Aidan Visak, Ellen Place, Olivia Roti, Timothy Neuman, Olivia Roti - string ensemble
Allison Ford - trumpet
Christopher Kuper - bass
Ryan White - tuba