Thursday, March 12, 2020

2020 Vocal Fest

Over 30 students participated today in the 2020 Vocal Festival.  Students prepared and performed art songs for an adjudicator.  Immediately after the performance, the judge provided the student performers with immediate formative feedback on their performance.  This feedback is done in front of an audience of observers in a master class setting, so the audience members can learn from the teaching as well as the performer.

After a day of performing, there are after school call-backs for students to earn a spot in the District 99 Honors Vocal Festival on Monday, March 23, 2020 at Hinsdale United Methodist Church at 7 PM.  We are extremely proud of every participating performer today for making the investment into studying and performing these songs.

Special congratulations goes to the students that earned special recognition from the judges, and, that earned a spot to perform on the Monday, March 23, 2020 at Hinsdale United Methodist Church at 7 PM. Thanks also to the parents volunteers from today who provided hospitality and who assisted with the logistics of the festival during the course of the day.

These students will perform on the D99 Honors Vocal Recital for 2020:

Zoe Boyd
Megan Fogarty
Amber Kass
Diana Kwak
Sydney Richardson
Gwen Royle
Kayte Salgado
Stefan Tambik

These students were a part of the run-off finals:

Zoe Boyd

Mary Davenport
Megan Fogarty
Suheily Gomez
Amber Kass
Abby Knight
Zach Mead
Casey Muzykansky
Max O'Connor
Sydney Richardson
Gwendolyn Royle
Kayte Salgado
Jackie Sumida
Stefan Tambik

These students earned an Honorable Mention citation:

Alyssa Ancell
Samantha Bachara
Kyra Cain
Elizabeth Carlson
Juliana Crooks
Megan Fox
Cathy Gadomski
Georgia Genin
Sophia Girik
Mark Haddleton
Megan Harmon
Emily Leatherwood
Matt Leinart
Faith Nelson
Alexa Miecag
Kassem Ossman
Abby Rook
Jordan Stewart
Delaney Turner
Alyssa Whitman
Samantha Wiggins