Saturday, July 23, 2022

District 99 Students Building Culture at the D99 Summer Jazz Camp!

That's a wrap! Last week, 32 student musicians from North and South schools participated in the inaugural District 99 Jazz Camp. The experience was powerful - fueled by a commitment these students had in building culture, community, communication, and understanding through the great art form known as Jazz music. 

Guests clinicians this year included Kevin Schoenbach, Paul Levy, the great Ron Carter, and the Thelonious Monk Institute Graduate - world renowned saxophonist Lenard Simpson. 

After 4 days of clinics, rehearsals, jam sessions, and group conversations, the culmination of camp was a Friday night performance at the Fishel Park Band Shell.  

Scroll to look back on what was a wonderful experience for our District 99 Community!

District 99 Jazz Quintet

District 99 We are JAZZ Ensemble

District 99 Guitar Trio

Combined Performance of "We Got That Fire"

....and for just a few highlights from throughout the week...
Clinic on building vocabulary and self expression from the great Kevin Shoenbach!

Lunch with a Legend and afternoon clinics with Lenard Simpson!

  Becca Snouffer creating soulful melodies over drone sounds!

Language and Culture with the legendary Ron Carter!

A huge thank you to the entire community of District 99 for being a special place where events like this can take place and positively impact our students for years to come. See you NEXT SUMMER!