Wednesday, April 03, 2019

Scholarship Cookie Dough is here!

We are pleased to announce our annual “Scholarship Dough” fundraiser, offering Savory Foods fresh cookie dough, gourmet caramel corn, and many other delicious treats!

This sale is a very important fundraiser. All proceeds support scholarships, which are open to all Fine Arts students. To help us reach our financial goal, we are asking every participant to sell at least one unit.  

Order forms are available in the band/choir/orchestra room or from your visual art teacher.

●     Each unit costs $15.
●     Your name and program (orchestra, art, band or choir) must appear on the order form with a parent or guardian cell/text number.
●     Collect payments with your orders.
●     Please make all checks payable to DGS Friends of Fine Arts.
●     Orders are due on or before Thursday, April 18, 2019
●     Product Delivery day is Thursday, May 9, 2019. No storage is available. All orders must be picked up between 2:00pm and 6:00pm.

If you have any questions, please contact Glenn Williams at