Tuesday, April 07, 2015

Expanding Classroom Boundaries

Classroom boundaries are expanded  by leaving the room to go into the world, or, by bringing parts of the world into the classroom.  Today in District 99, the boundaries of the classroom were expanded by bringing parts of the world into our district.

We are proud to welcome our guests from Beitigheim-Bissingen, Germany into our homes and our community.  Dr. Erica Niedlinger, DePaul University, worked with the band students from Germany this morning to sharpen their individual and collective ensemble skills.  Concurrently, the international sensation cello band Break of Reality presented master classes and rehearsed with students in the District 99 orchestra.  Then, in the evening, the renowned cello band performed for a nearly capacity crowd at the Clarence Johnson Auditorium, combining on two selections with our own District 99 orchestra.

Today students from Germany came to our classroom and community.  Today, a regional university professor shared musical experiences with an international ensemble.  Today, an internationally acclaimed ensemble performed and rehearsed with our student musicians.  Today, the boundaries of the classroom were significantly expanded for our student musicians in District 99.