Sunday, April 21, 2013

Undeniably Core, anything but Common.............................

The student artists and team of teachers at South High School just performed, for four remarkable shows, a recreation of The Wiz. In every aspect, the production was remarkable. The technical aspects of the show were impressive. The musical aspects of the show were at a professional level. The visual aspects of the show were breathtaking.

When unified in presentation, the arts reflect the human condition in a singularly unique manner. The fusion of music, drama, dance and visual elements communicates aspects of being human that enable us to understand ourselves to a greater extent. That understanding, in turn, activates the potential for awareness of other human beings that creates a platform for more effective existence.

The arts are challenging to assess and evaluate quantitatively. In something as complex as a musical production, it is hard to develop data points that can be measured with numbers. The inherent value is found at the Core of being a human being. This can’t be tested with computer key strokes. It is measured over time through the quality of existence encountered by each of us. Daunting as it is to measure, we all need to assert with vigilance, as No Child Left Behind mandates, that the arts are a Core subject.  

The production of The Wiz enriched the patrons, the process enriched the cast, crew and pit. Congratulations. Thanks to each of you for the gift you just gave to our community.
