Composer Michael Schelle, pianist Miho Sasaki, and District 99 Orchestra conductor Jennifer Mullen pose after the performance.
The Concert Orchestra performs Michael Schelle's composition Extraction.

The District 99 Wind and Percussion section in action.

Aura Evans displays her original art work that was the cover of the concert program, and, a gift for the guest artists for the evening.
Pianist Miho Sasaki performing Schelle's composition Wright Flight.
The District 99 Symphonic Orchestra performs Wright Flight.
Megan Schreck playing the role of the dentists' drill on piccolo during Extraction.
Congratulations to the District 99 Orchestra, conducted by Jennifer Mullen, for a fabulous concert this evening featuring the contemporary music of award winning composer Michael Schelle. Both the Concert Orchestra and the Symphonic Orchestra performed Schelle's compositions, one of which featured guest piano artist Miho Sasaki. Performers and audience members alike walked away abuzz from the performance tonight, fully enriched by experiencing contemporary orchestral music performed with a high degree of excellence. Congratulations and kudos to Ms. Mullen and the members of the D99 Orchestra for presenting a fabulous performance this evening.