The South High School Wind Ensemble and Wind Symphony performed at the Midwest Music Festival, held at the Performing Arts Center at Lemont High School. Now in its' 26th year, the festival this year hosted more than 3,000 student musicians from just over Illinois 30 high schools. Bands perform for expert adjudicator feedback, and, a rating.

The South High School Wind Ensemble, conducted here by Ron Hornish, performs John Philip Sousa's march
Hands Across the Sea.
The Wind Ensemble also performed
After Hands Across the Sea, from the Symphony on Themes of John Philip Sousa by Ira Hearshen. Performing college level literature, the Wind Ensemble earned a Division I rating from the panel of adjudicators. Of the 15 Group I performing ensembles in the auditorium during the day, Wind Ensemble placed second with a score of 89.67.

The Wind Symphony, shown here conducted by Ron Hornish, performed
Italia and
A Longford Legend. The Wind Symphony earned high marks from the panel of adjudicators, also earning a Division I rating. Of the 18 Group II performing ensembles in the gymnasium, Wind Symphony placed 3rd with a score of 93.67. Wind Symphony also earned the caption award for having the Best Woodwind section from the 18 performing bands in the gymnasium during the day.
Great job today by the Mustang musicians in Wind Ensemble and Wind Symphony!!!!!!!!!