The Downers Grove South High School Choirs held a virtual vocal festival the past two days. Mr. Ken Donavan worked with each choir as an adjudicator and clinician. Mr. Donavan has been a professional vocalist in Chicago for nearly 3 decades, including performing with the Chicago Lyric Opera for the past 28 years. Congratulations to these participating student soloists: Abby Martin, Lizzie Workman, Casey Muzykansky, Alyssa Whitman, Abby Rook, Scott Conley, Alyssa Ancell, Sophia Girik, Alexa Nieciag, Mina Kostic, Jo Stewart, Zoe Boyd and Diana Kwak. Specail shout out to our voice teachers for their ongoing work with these students: Colleen Lingenfelter, Holley McKee and Stephani Springer.