Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Band Camp 2016 #DGSPride #99Learns @Dist_99

Although the 2016 Marching Mustangs have already collectively rehearsed for more than 50 hours this summer, Band Camp 2016 is still recognized as the official "start" to the season.

Band Camp is an immersive, secluded, focused time to learn the visual and sonic elements that comprise a field production.  Visual elements and musical elements are worked on separately, then, they are coordinated during ensemble rehearsals.  The intensive week of rehearsals provides the students an opportunity to go deeper into artistic community through engaging in the rehearsal process.  The 140+ member ensemble is preparing their show themed around the word "Cosmic," with the music and movement certain to be well received in all venues during the fall performance season.

This Friday, August 19, 2016, the Marching Mustangs will perform a culminating show during 1/2 time of the varsity football scrimmage.  The performance will take place in the stadium sometime between 6:45-7:15 PM.  The public is cordially invited to attend the performance and to stay and cheer on the Mustang football team both before and after the band performance.