Wednesday, May 30, 2012

2012 Madrigal Singers Graduation Concert

The South High School Choirs Class of 2012 added significantly to their in imitable sonic legacy last night during the Graduation Concert.  The craftsmanship and musicianship were remarkable from start to finish, from large ensemble to small groups and soloists.  Of the long list of impressive  occurences during the evening, here is but a few:

  • The evening was totally learner centered - these students were in charge of their own musical destiny.
  • The repertoire was performed ARTISTICALLY.
  • This groups of students is totally comfortable in their own collective skin.
  • The community forged through the music making process runs way beneath the verneer.
  • These students care deeply about their craft, but they care even more about each other.
  • Even though the repertoire had lyrics, the expression emitted went way beyond words.

Everyone that remains at South High School owes a debt of gratitude to this senior class for establishing a wonderfully high performance bar, but perhaps even more, for setting that bar in a caring manner.  Well done Class of 2012 - we'll miss your presence, but, we'll be reminded of if on a daily basis in the sights and sounds emanating from the music suite!