South High School in Downers Grove is proud to present "Kiss Me, Kate," the 2012 musical production presented by the A Cappella Choir. The show opens on Thursday, April 19 at 7:00 PM. The run continues on Friday, April 20th and Saturday, April 21rst, also at 7:00 PM. The final performance is Sunday, April 22 at 3:00 PM. All performances are in the auditorium at South High School. Adult tickets are $8, student tickets are $7. Tickets are available for purchase at the box office the evening of the performances.
Set as a "play within a play" with Shakepeare's The Taming of the Shrew, the show features lyrics and music by Cole Porter, including the songs So in Love, Another Openin', Another Show, Wunderbar, and Too Darn Hot. Through the script and music, the characters unveil the process of submission in relationships between men and women. In total, the cast, crew and pit orchestra for this production exceeds 175 students. "We are thrilled to enact this great Cole Porter piece on the stage at South High School." said Fine Arts Department Chairman Glenn Williams. For information about this production, contact Glenn Williams at