Tuesday, May 31, 2011

2011 Madrigals Graduation Concert

The 61st public performance by a DGS music ensemble this school year was the 2011 South High School Madrigal Singers graduation concert tonight, a concert which in part gave a personal tribute to the departing seniors in the ensemble. The balance, blend, and intonation of this remarkable ensemble are breathtaking. A wide range of challenging, collegiate level repertoire was performed with captivating musicianship.

I personally believe that a litmus test of the success of a high school music program lies in the ability of an individual student musician to cast and execute a vision for musical excellence without interference from an adult educator. One reason that I adore this concert each year is that the departing seniors are afforded the opportunity to do just that - the musicians select, rehearse, and perform literature of their own accord without any teacher intervention. This performance, perhaps above all others, is truly a student-centered event. The ensemble was fabulous, but, the departing seniors each displayed that they are ready to depart DGS and pursue music lifelong on their own. Well done Class of 2011 Madrigal Singers - we will miss you all dearly!